How to Detox Your Pantry

It is my goal to inspire you to take control of your health and eat clean. My approach to food is understanding why ‘what’ we eat and don’t eat is so important.

Food is much more than calories. Please don’t count calories – it’s too exhausting and not worth it because you end up eating for calories and not for nutrition, which ends up getting us sick. Food brings information to our bodies – it travels to our deepest cellular level and triggers a response from the cell, which can be a good response such as resveratrol (red grape phytonutrient) that activates the ‘longevity’ genes inside our cells. However, sugar on the other hand is a food that can bind to our cells and trigger the release of irritating chemicals. This is what inflammation is all about. So the first impact of food is the information it brings to our cell level.

The foods that we eat have many functions. For instance, cultured and fermented foods (such as sauerkraut, miso) are good sources of healthy bacteria and are considered soluble fiber, which helps remove toxins, cholesterol and hormones in the gut and lets the good bacteria grow. This is the why eating certain foods helps strengthen the health of our gut. Using food as medicine instead of prescription or over the counter drugs is foundational to everything. We all know that eating green vegetables and antioxidants help keep our liver strong and functioning well so that our bodies are able to remove these toxins that we are exposed to each and every day via our environment, our food, etc.

I love working one-on-one with clients to detox their pantry and one of the best parts of my job is doing food store tours and showing clients the new, healthy ways to eat great foods along with clean products that they can use every day in their meals and snacks. I want people to implement the lifestyle changes that I am prescribing. Change is hard, it’s not easy and I’ll be the first to tell you that! I’ve had to change SO MUCH of my life including my diet, my lifestyle, my clothing, my makeup, my surroundings, my favorite treats, etc….

Most of my clients need lots of support – and that’s when I come in. I’m that support system for you to help you feel your best and get better.

How to Stock Your Pantry

Wondering what foods are gluten-free? You can visit the following pages which offer advice for products and healthy gluten-free food that I eat:

What’s In My Gluten-Free Fridge and Pantry

My Favorite Gluten-Free Products

Anti-Inflammatory Grocery Guide

Gluten-Free Healthy Condiment List

What to Remove

Preservatives, Refined Foods, Trans Fats, Sugar and Chemicals

  • White flours
  • White breads
  • Barley
  • Rye
  • Conventional Oats
  • Processed hot dogs, sausages
  • Canned meat
  • Canned seafood
  • Conventional eggs
  • Margarine
  • Refined canola oil
  • Corn oil
  • Soybean oil
  • Peanut oil
  • Vegetable shortening
  • Conventional butter
  • White sugar
  • Cane sugar
  • High fructose corn syrup (HFCS)
  • Corn syrup
  • Fruit syrups
  • Soda
  • Diet soda
  • Coffee
  • Black tea
  • Chocolate
  • Fruit juices
  • Cow milk
  • Lattes
  • MSG
  • Spices and condiments filled with preservatives
  • Peanuts and peanut butter
  • All Soy products such as soy milk, soy beans, soybean oil
  • Hormone treated, Factory Farmed, Antibiotic Filled Poultry and Dairy

It is essential to work with a nutritionist and an Integrative M.D. because I am sharing general information that is not intended to be medical advice. This information is only given for informational purposes.

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Over 200 vegetarian recipes free of gluten, dairy, soy, sugar, eggs, peanuts, corn and other inflammatory foods.

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