As a Nutrition Health Counselor, one of my goals is to transform your relationship to cooking.  By the time our counseling session is up, you will be on your way to expertly creating healthy delicious meals in under 20 minutes.  I will teach you how to cook meals that are simple to prepare whether you are cooking for one or an entire family.

First things first, cooking does not have to be complicated to be delicious.  Once you make a short time commitment to learning how to cook, it will become a quick routine that reaps huge rewards  because when you cook, you put love into your food and love into yourself.  You will begin to feel better after a single meal and from there cooking will become easier and tastier because when you cook simple food, cooking becomes simpler and your life becomes simpler too!  Isn’t that what we all want?

Here are a few tips to help you begin the cooking process:

Use a Timer

This allows you to see how long food takes to cook.  Then, you can learn to multitask in your home and kitchen to prepare a large amount of food in a short time.


The more often you cook…the better it will taste, the more efficient you will become…and the more you will enjoy eating healthfully.  Experiment with new recipes and reproduce them in your own way, adding your personal touch.

Use Condiments

When you cook, prepare your food without adding flavor.  Prepare a variety of condiments and encourage your guests to personalize their food by using the condiments.  This will save you time and will allow everyone to add their own personal touch to their food.

Cook Once, Eat for the Week

Cooking once, say, on a Sunday evening can prepare you and your family for the week.  For instance, cook a large amount of brown rice, eat it for dinner, then use it to make porridge for breakfast, then add to soups for lunches and top it with vegetables for dinner.  This allows you to get creative by making your cooking last longer and increases your productivity.

#1 Best-Selling Cookbook

Over 200 vegetarian recipes free of gluten, dairy, soy, sugar, eggs, peanuts, corn and other inflammatory foods.

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