My holiday gift guide for foodies includes just a few gluten-free odds n’ ends that may spark a smile on your loved one’s face this holiday season…
Here are a few of my favorites.
All clean ‘n gluten-free, of course.
Valerie Rice Entertain Apron (So cute to sport around in your little kitchen while looking so important!)
Glow Gluten Free Cookies (Gotta love these gluten-free nibbles, plus their founder was a huge part of my life in helping my stomach heal.)
Rishi Tea (Every morning I have a cup of their green tea and it makes my entire day.)
Kitchen Aid Food Processor (By far the best one on the market- love the wide brim and easy pouring feature. I could easily use it as a bowl and grab a spoon to enjoy my treats!)
Boos Cutting Board (Magic in my kitchen.)
Harry & David Fruit of the Month Club (Fresh fruit delivered right to your door- I’ll take it!)
Apple Tree To-Be Kit (Enough said. It’s adorable.)
Lunch Skins (Perfect for when I travel to store my snacks n’ goodies.)
Kitchen Aid Hand Blender (Amazing for my soups n’ smoothies.)
Happy Holidays, buddies!
Thanks for the great list full of high quality ingredients for a successful holiday recipe. I’m a fan of baking myself, so I could always use more cookware/spices on my gift list.