Here are a few fun gifts that you can give for house-guests or when you are a guest at someone’s home.


1. Wine Cube // 2. Hudson Valley Hard Cider Making Kit // 3. Cookbook Stand // 4. ‘You Are So Loved’ Detox Market Gift Card // 5. Herb Drying Rack // 6. Kombucha Brooklyn Home Brew Kit // 7. Kitchenaid 5 Quart Stand Mixer // 8. Le Creuset Stoneware Berry Jam Jar & Bonne Maman Jam Gift Set // 9. Ginger Spread // 10. DIY Kimchi Kit // 11. Compost Tea Bags

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Over 200 vegetarian recipes free of gluten, dairy, soy, sugar, eggs, peanuts, corn and other inflammatory foods.

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