Good Morning and Happy Friday!

It’s already the end of a glorious September so I decided to give you a sneak peak into 12 tiny Things I Love.

They’re just a few things that make my Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Soy-Free and Sugar-Free Lifestyle …. complete!


1. My day-to-day eats: Lots of Organic Veggies, Lean Proteins and Healthy Fats.
2. My Entertaining go-to: Guacamole, Hummus and Chopped Organic Veggies.
3. My Quick dinner: Shrimp Cocktail with Steamed Organic Broccoli and Avocado.
4. My Preferred breakfast: Mashed Avocado and an Organic Egg with Sea Salt and Pepper on Gluten-Free Toast.
5. My Desired workout: Walking in Central Park, NYC.
6. My Necessary indulgence: Organic Dark chocolate. Lots of it.
7. My Favorite recipe: All of mine. Hehehe. And these easy Vegetarian Recipes from Cooking Light Magazine.
8. My Can’t live without cookbook: Elana’s Pantry just wrote the most amazing Paleo, Gluten-Free Cookbook called: Paleo Cooking.

9. My Pantry essential: Organic Salsa.
10. My Ingredient that makes anything taste better: Organic Herbs de Provence.
11. Kitchen gadget: Microplane Zester to zest my organic lemons, oranges and lime onto salads and such!
12. My dream meal: Lobster with a side of Steamed Organic Veggies.

(And #13… I’m off to California for the week to play in the organic veggie fields with Earthbound Farm. Keep an eye on my for live pics of me in the fields picking organic veggies on Twitter (@TheHealthyApple), Facebook (The Healthy Apple), Instagram (@TheHealthyApple), Google Plus (Amie Valpone) and Pinterest (The Healthy Apple). Can’t wait to share my pictures and travel stories with you next week.)

Have a great weekend!

#1 Best-Selling Cookbook

Over 200 vegetarian recipes free of gluten, dairy, soy, sugar, eggs, peanuts, corn and other inflammatory foods.

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  1. Love that you have both vegetarian and vegan categories on here, plus gluten-free and seafood. My son needs dairy-free and gluten-free, my daughter and I don’t eat land meat, and my other son’s grandparents are one vegan and the other gluten-free. It’s all very helpful information for us. 🙂 And can’t wait to hear about the conscious box, I’ve been meaning to try it for more vegan products.