It’s the little things for me.
The sun peaking through my window at 6AM when I rise for my morning yoga.
The birds chirping n’ singing a sweet little song.
The organic veggies at the new Fairway on the UES in Manhattan.
The day you realize what your calling is in life.
The moment you realize life isn’t so bad and things could be much worse.
The fact that you can walk, talk, eat and move.
The beauty of taking some quiet time during your day and just sitting still listening to your thoughts.
The way a walk in Central Park feels like you’re in a national park out West one minute and in a European country the next.
The pureness of feeling your feelings no matter how faint or strong.
The way you can meet 10 new people in 1 day just walking the streets of Manhattan.
The beauty of Eastern medicine.
The relief from acupuncture.
The knowledge of knowing people believe in you.
The blueness of the Atlantic Ocean.
The moment you realize you no longer work in corporate America and life just got a bit better.
The second it dawns on you that you’re happy without any material items. Just you, your organic veggies, your camera and some deep thought.
The way you feel after a mani-pedi, a facial or massage.
The joy of spending money on something to better YOU whether it be organic veggies, a new bubble bath, lotion or journal.
The day you learn that life is about making YOU feel important and being happy with who YOU are.
The sea salt smell of the ocean every weekend at the shore with my family.
The instant the clock strikes midnight and you’re still working….but for some reason it doesn’t feel like work. Why? Because you’ve found your calling; you’ve found your passion. Your love. What you were put here on Earth to do.
And I’m feeling that right about now.
Throughout the past few months, I’ve endured more pain and suffering from my stomach and body than I’ve experienced in all of my years alive.
But, my head is up. My outlook is bright. My ‘gut’ is healing. My mercury fillings will soon be removed and I will be entering a new life. As a new woman.
Completely free and healed and feeling better. That day is soon to come; I know it is because life simply could alwys be a lot worse.
These past 7 months have been tough but I’ve learned a lot.
A lot about me. My body. My life. My calling. My passions. My feelings.
About listening to your body and what it wants and what it needs.
About nurturing yourself and taking care of yourself to make you feel good and relaxed.
To rid the stress, the anger and the pain.
And replace it with happy thoughts and sunshine.
And good, good, wholesome, Clean food.
I’m a Clean, Clean Eater and I’m lovin’ it.
And I’m happy. Yes, that’s what makes ME happy. I told you it was the little things, didn’t I?
My approach to ‘Clean Eating’ focuses on whole foods that are good for your body. It’s not about calories, it’s about quality. Steer clear of packaged, processed ‘diet’ foods and eat wholesome foods without ingredient lists and labels. If it’s advertised on TV, chances are it’s not good for you.
What makes you happy?
I’m off to San Diego to speak at the BlogHer Conference. Have a fabulous weekend…
Got some Brussels Sprouts that you’re ready to cook up? Check out my Rudi’s Gluten-Free Bread Brussels Sprouts Recipe.
Absolutely loved this post!
Awwww; thank you so much! You are fabulous. Thanks darling. xooxo
What makes me happy is reading posts like yours! So glad I came across your blog. I, too, am at BlogHer! When will you be speaking? Thanks for the inspiration!!!
Amie, sharing your blog makes me happy!
I can feel your positive energy as I flip through your pages and browse over your pictures. Peaceful.
“When we are present in each moment,
the past gently rolls up
behind us and the future slowly unravels before us.”
– Rev Richard Levy
Thanks for the inspiration!
Aww thank you so much. You are so kind and I am so happy you enjoyed this post…it is a great read to keep us all smiling! I love this quote. Thank you for sharing!
I am printing this out. I need it.
Thank you.
I also just read from KERF that your launching an online GF mag?! So proud of you!!! And – if you need any contributors…uh, let me know…I too need to rid of corporate America.
Thank you so much! I am so excited as we launch on Sept 1st. So happy to hear from you. Xxxooo
You are so amazing girl! I love that post! It’s so real and beautiful! Can we have a phone date afte ryou get back from BlogHer! Email me and we can pick a date!
Thinking about you!
Yay for no more corporate America!!! So proud of you.
Yea for both of us! Miss you and love you so much; hope you had a fabulous birthday yesterday. So excited to see you next week when I’m back from BlogHer! xoox
All the best for Blogher. Great chatting to you the other day. Lovely pics as well.
YOU are amazing and I Love you so much, Sherilyn. So great chatting with you, as well and I am thrilled to keep in touch and hopefully chat again soon.
Have a great night.
Aims! I love the new photos-you have a great eye for capturing beauty. Keep it up! Totally enriches you’re already amazing website!
You are so great; did you know that? I love you, Kerr! Thanks so much for making my day. Great spending time with you this weekend and I can’t wait to play again soon. Have a great afternoon. xo Love ya.