This recipe is one of my favorites to make on a Sunday afternoon…it’s quick, simple to prepare, and leaves you with a soothing tonic of sweet sauce once cooked to perfection.
Use as many of the following sweet veggies as you wish:
Winter Squash
Sweet Potato
Red Radishes
Daikon Radishes
Green Cabbage
For added protein- add Beans and/or Tofu
Chop the hardest veggies (carrots and beets) into smaller pieces
Chop the softer veggies (onions and cabbage) into larger chunks
Use a medium sized pot and add enough water to barely cover the veggies. Check the water level while cooking and add more water if needed. The veggies on the bottom will cook faster than those on the top, therefore stir every few minutes. Cook until desired tenderness. The softer the veggies get- the Sweeter they become!
You may wish to add tofu or beans for extra protein
Season your veggies with seaweed or spices such as cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, pumpkin spice, black pepper, white pepper, chili powder, and cayenne
When veggies are cooked to your satisfaction, empty the ingredients into a large bowl, flavor as desired.
The leftover cooking water makes a delicious, sweet sauce, and is a healing, soothing tonic to drink by itself.
What a great and easy Sunday supper, I love it!
I love cooking on Sunday’s too…it prepares you for the week ahead and it’s so therapeutic!