A big thank you to the fabulous folks over at Beringer Wines for hosting me in Washington D.C. for their Grill-Off.

Here I am with Paula Deen’s sons: The Deen Brothers!

Grillin’ in action…with the Food Network camera rolling…

Me n’ my Grill Master…these grills were amazing!

I had such an amazing time and truly enjoyed meeting all of the other regional grillers.

And now, for my Regional Finalist Winning Recipe:

Balsamic Encrusted Fillet Mignon with Goat Cheese

Wine Pairing: Beringer’s Pinot Noir


  • 2 (12 oz.) Fillet Mignon’s
  • 2 Tbsp. Organic Tomato Sauce
  • 1/2 Red Onion, chopped
  • 1/3 cup Pumpkin Seeds
  • 1/4 cup Bran Crumbs
  • 1/2 ripe Avocado, mashed
  • Dash of Sea Salt and Pepper, to taste
  • Dash of chili powder
  • Handful of Fresh Cilantro, chopped
  • Handful of Fresh Basil, chopped
  • 2 Tablespoons Goat Cheese
  • Lemon wedges, juice for topping
  • 2 Tablespoons Balsamic vinegar


  1. Heat grill to high.
  2. Combine bran, pumpkin seeds, fresh cilantro, avocado, tomato sauce, red onion, fresh basil, chili powder, Sea-Salt and pepper in a food processor; blend until mixture is the consistency of paste.
  3. Spoon a thick layer of the pumpkin seed mixture on top of each fillet.
  4. Lay each fillet on the hot grill; cook till desired doneness.
  5. Serve each fillet with a drizzle of balsamic vinegar, a squeeze of fresh lemon and a dollop of Goat Cheese.
  6. Enjoy!

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    1. Aw; thank you so much, Kelly. You are so supportive and I really appreciate your comments! You brightened my day. Thank you; have a great night! Best, Amie

    1. Aww; thanks so much, Angie. I greatly appreciate your kind words and thank you for visiting my blog. Have a great day! Best, Amie

    1. Awww; thanks so much, Karen….that’s my dream!!!! Thank you for your support and your comment; I greatly appreciate it. Hope all is well and have a great day. Thank you again for your positive support….The Next Food Network Star…here I come, hehe…now I’m really dreaming! Best, Amie

    1. Awww; thanks so much, Mellissa….I appreciate it! Hope all is well with you. Enjoy the remainder of your summer! xoxo.

    1. Thanks so much, Holly! It was a fabulous trip and I had such a great time down in DC meeting the Deen brothers, but I agree Paula would have been a hoot with her ‘butter’, hehe! Have a great day!