The final edition: SOY! The big one.
Since you’ve already seen my Dairy and Gluten Edition, it’s time for SOY, which is something that took me forever to remove from my lifestyle because I never believed it was negatively effecting my health until my hormones went absolutely crazy and I gained so much weight. Yes, soy did some serious damage to my endocrine system, which is why I cut it out and I feel so much better. Soy is also a top GMO food so for myself, it’s best to avoid. You may feel the same way. And if you do, print out the below to take with you to the food store so you can avoid soy in any packaged foods.
Products that Contain Soy
- Edamame
- Soy “meat”
- Soy beans/soybeans
- Soy bran
- Soy cheese
- Soy ice cream
- Soy yogurt
- Soy infant formula
- Soy nut butter
- Soy nuts
- Soy sauce
- Soy
- Shoyu sauce
- Soya flour
- Soybean oil
- Soybean paste
- Soymilk
- Tamari
- Tempeh
- Textured soy flour (TSF)
- Textured soy protein (TSP)
- Textured vegetable protein (TVP)
- Tofu