
As we move through spring, I often find myself taking a weekend to relax and soak up the sunshine outside before summer rolls around. Today’s songs are relaxing enough to listen to anytime of the day- they won’t put you to sleep, that’s for sure! They’re soft and gentle for those days when you need to cry or release emotions that are stuck inside of you and want to come out. During my healing, when I needed to cry, I’d put on some of these songs, lay on my floor with a pillow and blanket and cry to release all of that negative energy inside of me.

When you listen to these songs, lay down, place your hands over your heart, breathe in from your nose and out of your mouth.

Long, deep breaths.

Connect to yourself.

Feel your hand over your heart and feel your emotions.

Let go of the thinking and really FEEL your breath and your emotions.

Let thoughts that come into your mind float away like clouds and continue to connect with yourself and feel. Healing is all about feeling. Get back into your body and get out of your head. Your thinking (logical) mind is not going to solve your problems. You’ve got to get OUT of your thinking mind and get back INTO your body, feel your body and listen. You can do it.

I’ve got you.


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