I use egg whites in a vast array of my gluten-free desserts. They seem to add that perfect touch to so many of my recipes.
I love the art of creating nice, fluffy n’ whipped egg whites.
The ones that form those fabulous peaks.
The ones that look like clouds.
I suggest they not be beaten in a food processor as an electric mixer or whisk is more suitable.
When beating egg whites, here are a few key points to consider.
Tips for Beating Egg Whites
- Begin with a clean, dry bowl. It’s best to rinse the bowl and whisk or electric mixer with a mixture of lemon and warm water to remove all grease and residue or dust. For unlined copper bowls, I often clean with a mixture of lemon juice or vinegar and salt, then rub until dry.
- Always bring your egg whites to room temperature before beating. If any egg whites are left over, refrigerate in a jar with a pinch of cream of tartar to keep them fresh.
- Cream of tartar or sea salt can both be added to the egg whites that are not yet beaten to increase acidity and help the whites beat to a greater volume. Nice n’ fluffy. The way I like ’em.
- Soft peaks are reached when whites are opaque, creamy and lean over lazily as they are lifted on a whisk. If your recipe calls for sugar, whether it be powdered or granulated, add it to the beaten egg whites only after they have achieved soft peaks.
- Stiff peaks are reached when beaten egg whites stand firmly and don’t lean over when lifted on a whisk. Be sure not to over-beat your egg whites as they can become dry and leave them with a dry cotton-candy-like consistency. A perfectly firm egg white will remain creamy.
Just a few lil’ tips that I’ve jotted down throughout the years when I come across those lil’ whities.
Do you have any tips for baking with egg whites that you’ve learned through experience?