I recently was invited by Stonyfield Yogurt to attend an amazing Stonyfield Cooking event at DeGustabus Cooking School here in Manhattan.

I joined fellow food bloggies and editors for a delicious food demo and tasting by America’s Green Nutritionist, author and home chef Kate Geagan, MS, RD who showcased fresh new ways to cook with yogurt.

Here is a photo of the demo ‘in action’…(that’s me sitting on the far left)

And here is a great shot of Kate creating her delicious Stonyfield Yogurt chicken recipe.  For those of you who are gluten-free, all Stonyfield Yogurt is safe to eat and gluten-free!

I had such a wonderful time with the Stonyfield team.  We tasted organic recipes, learned how to improve the health of the planet and sampled new Stonyfield products.

Here I am with the Stonyfield team…aren’t they adorable?

I was so thrilled to be apart of their cooking event.  And yes, that is a fabulous gift bag that was full of lots of Stonyfield recipes and kitchen gadgets.

And, be sure to check out my Galaxy Granola Recipes

on the First Ever Fruit Not Fat blog:

Vanilla Almond Apple Slaw

Not Sweet Vanilla Parfait

Cranberry Orange Power Bars

Snow Pea, Raspberry & Jicama Salad

#1 Best-Selling Cookbook

Over 200 vegetarian recipes free of gluten, dairy, soy, sugar, eggs, peanuts, corn and other inflammatory foods.

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