A huge thank you to all the folks over at POM Wonderful who treated me to a fabulous FitBloggin’ sponsor ticket this weekend.

I had an amazing time and had the opportunity to meet bloggies from all over the country. And to top it off, I was lucky enough to meet Jeff, who came to FitBloggin’ all the way from the POM Wonderful headquarters to present and educate all of us on useful bloggin’ tips and information.

The weekend kicked off with a POM Wonderful POMtini Reception and we continued to celebrate with POM throughout the weekend!

Overall, the weekend was truly POM ‘Wonderful’ and each bloggie was given a POM Wonderful bag, made from recycled plastic bottles, and filled with goodies. This is surely going to be my new food shopping bag… I love it.

You will surely see me sportin’ this POM Wonderful bag around Manhattan… hehe… Be sure to look out for me… you won’t be able to miss me with this fabulous bag!

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    1. You too, darling…I had a wonderful time and it was such a pleasure to meet you in person. Have a wonderful day and I hope to see you again soon. Best, Aims

    1. Awww; thanks Britt…So great to see you…I had a fabulous weekend with you and hope to see you soon. Keep up the great bloggin’ and have a wonderful day. xo Aims