
This article was sponsored by MegaFood. All opinions are my own.

I’m all about eating clean, as many of you know. It’s what has helped me get my life back and reclaim my energy and vitality. It all starts with food, as many of you know by now.

The only issue that comes up with many of my clients and myself regarding food is that in this day and age, the soil that our food is being grown in isn’t as rich in minerals and nutrients as it once was many years ago. Therefore, many of us need to reap the benefits of whole food-based nutrients through high-quality supplements. I’m a stickler when it comes to putting anything in my mouth mostly because I react to everything that isn’t super pure and clean. I’ve had some of the worst reactions to protocols and supplements and foods that I’ve never even read or heard about in books or online. I’m talking about chronic pain and swelling from my toes to my skull muscles that lasts weeks.

Not fun.

So, you should know that any product I’m talking about here on The Healthy Apple is always in its purest form because I’m the guinea pig. I test out everything I share with you because I want you to experience the goodness of feeling fabulous every single day.

I’m super duper sensitive to everything and my friends often joke that can easily to tell what products, foods, restaurants etc. are really pure because if I don’t get sick, the products, food and restaurants, etc. pass the test.

Funny, right?

So, today I want to talk about a supplement brand that I’ve been over the moon for throughout the last 10 years of my health journey.

Enter, Megafood.

I’ve talked about Megafood before so if you’re a regular here to The Healthy Apple, you’ve heard me rave over them and their pure products as well as their transparency with their Big T program. One of the biggest things that I learned throughout my journey was to really hone in on one brand instead of mixing a bunch of different brand’s supplements together because we don’t know how they’ll react inside our bodies.

My Tahini Smoothie recipe post using the MegaFood Vitamin C Booster powder is out of this world and I know many of you have tried it and loved it, as well…so I’m glad I’m not alone in putting tahini and Vitamin C boosters in my morning smoothies, which makes me happy. That recipe post talks all about my journey with discovering MegaFood and what they’re all about if you’re not familiar with them already.

Instead of posting a recipe today, I want to talk to you about a specific supplement by Megafood called Multi for Women, which has been an incredible product that I’ve used throughout the last few years for myself and with my clients.

Honestly, I was never a fan of multivitamins until I found this one.


Well, I realized that a lot of multivitamins didn’t have what I wanted and they weren’t up to par for my liking. There were always odd ingredients on the label or there was just something off about them that didn’t jive with me. What’s really helped me on my health journey is tapping into my intuition (I’ve got a post about how to do this coming in a few days) and starting to listen to my body with what feels good and what doesn’t- instead of just taking a bottle of pills that a nutritionist/ doctor/ expert/ practitioner recommended to me. That’s what I did in my 20’s. I was lost and suffering from chronic health issues and I just did everything everyone told me to do- I forgot to check in with myself and I learned my lesson because it ended up being a disaster, which is why you have to know what and why you are putting things into your body.

As I talked about in my recent post with Megafood and how I discovered them here, I do extensive research on every brand to make sure the products are clean and pure and not filled with anything sketchy that many brands toss in without telling us. Yes, most supplement brands add in sketchy fillers so be aware!

I want to share a little bit about MegaFood’s Multi for Women with you today because it’s full of so much goodness that you ladies should all know about this. So, I know you’re eager to see what’s inside each pill, right? What I really love is that this supplement and all of MegaFood’s supplements were formulated by Tieraona Low Dog who’s a brilliant M.D. that I truly admire and it’s so refreshing to see a brand take on a M.D. who understands alternative medicine and working with the body to achieve balance and homeostasis.

We’re bombarded by so many toxins in this day and age, as I’ve spoken about in my book, Eating Clean, and also throughout my website if you search “Toxin”. Everything from our toxic tap water to car exhaust to the plastics that surround our food can interfere with our overall health and hormones. Food is a great way to jump start the road to wellness but as I mentioned above, many of us need more nutrients because our food is lacking these vital nutrients. Inside this multi-vitamin you’ll find everything that you need for your womanly needs- from metabolism and hormonal support to hair, skin and nail support. Yes, you CAN have it all, ladies.

The best part?

MegaFood uses FoodState Nutrients™ that are made with whole foods to provide essential vitamins and minerals that are easy-to-digest and gentle on the body, even when taken on an empty stomach.

It doesn’t get much better than this folks.

Here’s what’s inside:

    • 15mg FoodState Iron to replenish iron lost during your monthly moon cycle/period*
    • 100% or more of all 8 FoodState B Vitamins, including Methylated folate and B12*
    • FoodState Iodine & B vitamins to support the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates & proteins*
    • B6  & B12 to support balanced hormones and endocrine function*
    • Biotin, Beta Carotene, Vitamins A, C and E support healthy skin, nails & hair*

Now, aside from all of the above, here’s why I love this bottle of goodness.

Methylation & Detox

This supplement includes methylated folate and methylated B12, which are so important for methylation. If you have a genetic mutation to the MTHFR gene like I do (and up to 35% of people do), you are lacking the ezyme, which makes it harder for you to detox toxins like the remainder 65% of people. As I discuss in my book, Eating Clean, because of this, toxins accumulate, which can interfere with bodily functions and ultimately lead to serious conditions. You can maximize your methylation by eating foods that contain folate (leafy greens, fruit, whole grains, and beans to get adequate levels of B vitamins), keeping the bacteria in your gut healthy, avoiding processed and canned foods, avoiding caffeine and alcohol and minimizing sugar. You also have to take the methylated form of folate and B12, which is very important because the regular folate or B12 that you see in stores may not be utilized by your body. That’s why I’m SO SO SO Happy that MegaFood includes Methylated B12 and Methylated Folate in this product- finally supplement brands outside of the functional space are catching on to this huge issue to help people feel their best.

According to NY Times Best-Selling author and Functional medicine genius, Mark Hyman, M.D., the MTHFR mutation also makes you more susceptible to toxins in your environment, particularly any heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, and growth hormones in your food. As a result, these substances, which bind to fat receptors, have more of a toxic effect on you than someone without the MTHFR mutation. This also means chemicals in tap water, conventional food, household cleaning solutions, and beauty products can pose a greater threat. Toxic exposures, medications, decreased stomach acid, smoking, poor diet, malabsorption and genetics can all affect your methylation process.

More information on Methylation is in my book, Eating Clean (my book walks you through the extensive MTHFR testing in the back under the Functional/Integrative Medicine Testing Section) and on my Methylation post. I cannot stress enough how important methylation is for detoxification, wellness, and a general healthy lifestyle.

So there you have it, ladies.

A multi-vitamin that can do it all.

I’m amazed that MegaFood has combined all of this goodness into a daily, two-tablet serving for us. It’s almost too good to be true.

Check it out and let me know how you like it.





*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

This post was sponsored by MegaFood. All opinions are my own.






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  1. I found this vitamin and checked to be sure it didn’t include any ingredients I was known to be allergic or sensitive to. After taking it for months I couldn’t tell any difference in my health. Once I stopped taking it I didn’t notice any changes. Sadly I don’t know if it did any good at all. So was very surprised to see it posted here in such a positive way. How could you tell if it benefited you at all?

    1. Hi Kat,
      I’m quite confused by your question. How do you know you couldn’t tell any difference in your health? Did you get an extensive organic acids test like I spoke about in my book before and after? How do you know it didn’t help with anything? What upsets me about many consumers is that they are looking for a quick fix. Supplements are NOT a quick fix. They are there to give you the nutrients you are lacking in your food so if you’re looking to feel amazing and have a ton of energy from a supplement, then that’s a skewed way of thinking about what they actually do. They work on a cellular level. Does that help? I have never felt any different from any supplement but my blood work/organic acids tests are perfect because I get the nutrients I need for all of my systems to work correctly and efficiently. That’s what you want. Stop listening to advertising that claims to give you more energy and cure you from a pill. It’s not going to happen. Feeling amazing and having energy takes work: eating clean, sleeping, supplements, lowering your stress, etc. Hope that helps. Lots of love! oxx

      1. Kat, thanks so much for sharing your thoughts as I too was a little skeptical. And to you Amie, thanks for telling us the bare naked truth no one likes to hear. I truly appreciate this and am grateful for finding this article and this site. Glad to me giving my mind body a fair shot with trying this supplement daily for my next scheduled revisit in 2 months. Thanks again. And All the Best to everyone just discovering this article! 🙂