Audio by Amie Valpone talking about her story on I'll Have What Amie's Having

Get ready for VOICE.

Who’s voice?


I’m bringing you AUDIO.

Since I’ve started feeling better (and more like myself again), I want to share more of me with you. It’s not easy to really communicate my energy and passion through words on a screen in my articles so I’m ready to give you more. I’ve started doing monthly Facebook Live videos where you can interact with me live and ask any questions you’d like, which has been so much fun and I’ll continue doing these videos every month. Now, I want to bring more of my energy (aka my VOICE) into my featured articles and recipes, which means you’ll not only be able to read the article, but I’ll be putting my own spin on the content by talking you through the feature and sharing extra tips and tidbits that aren’t in the article.

Think of this as storytelling.

The catalyst for this launch of my audio storytelling was the notion that I wanted to share more of my personality with you. I’m an introverted extrovert and if you met me you’d think I was a full blown extrovert because I’m very outgoing and love to talk to people, however I’m not. After all I’ve been through with my health in the last decade, I need down time. I need quite time. I need alone time. And I need a lot of it. I can no longer go-go-go and be around people all the time. I now recharge alone. Years ago, I recharged around people. Things have changed.

The reason I’m telling you this is because I work alone writing this website, which I love and that’s my introverted side, however, the extroverted gal inside me is bursting at the seems to talk to you more and share more of myself with you.

When you read my featured articles, it’s hard for you to feel my energy and passion for the subject, which is what I will be doing through these audio clips.

So, without further ado…

I bring you:

I’ll Have What Amie’s Having

I’m really excited for this addition to The Healthy Apple and I hope you enjoy this extra benefit of receiving more tips, advice, suggestions and tidbits that I’ll be adding to your life. I named this, “I’ll Have What Amie’s Having” because everyday I receive emails from people asking ‘How did you heal?”, “What are you doing?”, “What worked for you?”, “What are you eating?”, “What products are you using?”,”What are you ordering when you go to this type of restaurant?”

So, there you have it. We all know the scene from When Harry Met Sally when a woman turns to the waiter in a diner and says, “I”ll Have What She’s Having.” Well, it’s time for me to share more of what I’m having and doing and thinking and learning and how I’m growing and changing and learning how to live as a healthy woman. It’s time.

You’ll see an audio clip like the one below in future featured articles that you can click on and listen to. You can use the above green link anytime to access all of my audio clips in one place as well as click on the soundcloud icon on the top and bottom right hand side of my website next to my social media icons and you’ll be brought to all of the tracks to listen to. 

I hope you enjoy this new audio feature. Please let me know if there’s anything you’d like me to talk about and discuss in future features. I’m always open to hearing your suggestions. Thank you for being on this journey with me.

Much love,


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One comment

  1. Amie,
    Your audio post was wonderful. I am looking forward to many more. Thank you SO much for being brave and willing to share more about healing the unconscious mind. I believe in this, though it is a new realm for me. I want a variety of tools in my health-tool-bag. I am looking forward to all your tips.

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