hamptons healthy eating

Eating Clean in the Hamptons

Here are a few of Amie’s favorite picks for the best spots to eat clean in the Hamptons.


Local/Organic Meals with Vegetarian Options:

Almond: www.almondrestaurant.com, 1 Ocean Rd., Bridgehampton

Topping Rose House: www.toppingrosehouse.com, 1 Bridgehampton-Sag Harbor Turnpike, Bridgehampton

Page at 63 Main/Back Page Café: www.page63main.com, 63 Main St., Sag Harbor

La Brisa Tacombi: www.tacombi.com, 752 Montauk Hwy. Montauk

Ruschmeyer’s: www.ruschmeyers.com, 161 Second House Rd., Montauk

The Surf Lodge: www.thesurflodge.com, 183 Edgemere St., Montauk

Mary’s Marvelous: https://www.marysmarvelous.com/, 105-107 Newtown Ln., East Hampton and 207 Main St., Amagansett


Vegetarian, Gluten-Free and Vegan Options:

Joni’s Kitchen: www.jonismontauk.com, 9 South Edison St., Montauk


Fresh, Organic Juices and Smoothies:

Juice Press: www.juicepress.com, 93 Main St., Southampton

Montauk Juice Factory: 12 S. Etna Ave., Montauk


Organic and Gluten-free Frozen Yogurt:

BuddhaBerry: www.buddhaberry.com, 45 South Euclid Ave., Montauk & 125 Main St., Sag Harbor


Freshly Brewed Coffee:

Left Hand Coffee: http://www.lefthandcoffee.com, 83 S. Elmwood Ave., Montauk

Sagtown Coffee: http://sagtown.com, 696 Montauk Highway, Montauk and 78 Main St., Sag Harbor


Health Food Stores with Ready To-go Meals:

Naturally Good Foods & Café: www.naturallygoodfoodsandcafe.com, 779 Montauk Hwy., Montauk

Provisions: www.provisionsnaturalfoods.com, 7 Main St., Sag Harbor

Simply Sublime: www.simplysublimehamptons.com, 85 Springs Fireplace Rd., East Hampton

Fork & Anchor: http://forkandanchor.com, 8955 Main Rd., East Marion


Local Markets and Farmer’s Markets:

Stuart’s Seafood Market: 41 Oak Ln., Amagansett

Amagansett Farmer’s Market: 631.267.3894, 367 Main St., Amagansett

Round Swamp Farm Market: http://roundswampfarm.com, 184 Three Mile Harbor Rd., East Hampton and 97 School St., Bridgehampton


Vegan Soft-Serve in a Truck:

Chloe’s Soft Serve Fruit Co.: www.chloesfruit.com, Kirk Park Beach, 95 S. Emerson Ave., Montauk


Fresh, Organic Food Delivery:

Hamptons Aristocrat: www.hamptonsaristocrat.com, Southampton


Farms and Farm Stands:

Bhumi Farms: http://www.bhumifarms.com/, 139 Pantigo Rd., Amagansett

Balsam Farms: http://www.balsamfarms.com, Corner of Windmill & Town Lns., Amagansett

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