Green tea, avocado, kale and Bartlett pears.

It’s amazing how these pure simple foods can create such sweet natural flavor.

A simple lesson I learned many years ago is that it’s the little things that mean so much in life.  Or in this case, it’s the simple ingredients that make such an incredible dish.

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately.

A lot more than I ever did when I was in corporate America.

Thinking about life.

And the simple lessons we learn from day-to-day, year-to-year, season-to-season.

I’ve always been one for taking walks and yoga to clear my mind, but lately it’s been a different kinda thinking while I walk or meditate or practice yoga.

Why is that?

Maybe because I’m getting older and not sweating the small things in life.

Maybe because I know that all I can do is be ME- my authentic self because that’s easy to sustain.

Maybe it’s because I hear from everyone I meet that my energy is contagious and I inspire them with my passion.

Maybe it’s because I took a risk and faced my fears.  I realized long ago that I wanted to move forward and not be stagnant in life.

Maybe it’s because I’ve pushed myself beyond my comfort zone and invited adventure into my life.

We make fear so extract in our society but we need to take risks to see rewards.  Since my sophomore year in college when I decided to transfer to a school where I didn’t know a soul, I’ve learned to face life with confidence and curiosity.

I’ve experienced so much good from this blog- the friendships I have made through this online source have changed my life and made me realize my true passion.

I can’t write about things I don’t believe in.  That’s why I write about me, myself and I.

My life, my ups, my downs, my smiles and my struggles.

Two bone marrow biopsies later, here I am.

Standing strong in Manhattan with a big ol’ smile on my face.

Maybe it’s all these things…or maybe it’s just that I’ve been carving out time for me and not feeling guilty.  That’s right- carving time out for Amie Jo- and feeling good about it.  Because you know what? All these years I didn’t think I was worth it. Honestly. I didn’t think I was worth carving time out for myself and I thought I had to give, give, give.  Don’t get me wrong, I still give but I need some ‘get’ in there too. So, I’ve been penciling in time to get a bit of rest n’ relaxation for my body and my mind.

If you’re asking yourself the same questions and wondering how to take that next step, start by doing something new on a daily basis. Take a risk. Push yourself. Explore a new hobby.  Remove your hands from your eyes and go for it- visualize yourself where you want to be- and get there.

Understand that it’s okay to pivot. I pivoted. I changed my life. I went in a different direction with my job and my health- and you can too.

Seven years ago I was working at Ralph Lauren, VOGUE Magazine and the NBA- pure ol’ Corporate America.  But not anymore- those days are long gone and ya know what? I’m happy.

So happy.

Maybe that’s the reason I’ve been doing all this thinking lately. It’s been a year since I’ve been out and it’s feelin’ pretty good.

What do you want to rediscover and reevaluate in your life?

Okay, now onto my vegetarian soup.

Cause you’re gunna love this soupy-doupy.

This Green Tea Pear Soup is simply a form of a green smoothie-like spring soup, with a rich pear base and a smooth avocado top.  It’s incredibly simple to make, doesn’t involve a stove top at all, and is perfect for nursing whatever ailment you’ve got going on, whether that’s the flu, a broken heart, or just a major sweet soup craving.

All you need is a bunch of fresh kale, a nice ripe avocado, some green tea, rosewater, a pretty vanilla bean, some maca powder and honey.  O ya, you’ll also need your favorite non-dairy yogurt and fresh mint to top it off.

This soup is sweet.  But don’t worry- not the sugar coma kinda sweet.  Just the naturally-sweet kinda sweet.

Combine and blend in a food processor. Then, transfer into pretty soup bowls and garnish with more orange zest if you’re feelin’ fruity.

Just try not to eat the whole batch yourself in one sitting…well, actually if you really wanna, I guess go ahead- but don’t say I didn’t warn you when I say this baby is addicting.

My pear recipe calls for two servings, so you can portion one for a pal or save it for yourself for later.

This soup is great for parties, especially spring or summer dinner parties as a fresh appetizer.  Heck, you could even serve it as a dessert if you added a frozen banana or two in there.

What do ya’ think?

Green Tea Pear Soup

Gluten-Free and Vegetarian

Serves 2


  • 1 bunch of kale, chopped
  • 4 large Bartlett pears, chopped
  • 1/3 cup rosewater
  • 1 clove
  • 1 vanilla bean
  • 1 cup green tea, brewed
  • 1 Tbsp. honey
  • 2 Tbsp. freshly squeezed orange juice
  • 1 ripe avocado, peeled, pitted and chopped
  • 1/2 tsp. orange peel
  • 2 Tbsp. chia seeds
  • 1 cup dairy-free plain yogurt such as SoDelicious Coconut Yogurt
  • 1/6 tsp. sea salt
  • 1 tsp. maca powder
  • 2 fresh mint leaves, for garnish


  1. Steam kale on the stove top over medium heat in steamer for 3-4 minutes or until bright green.  Rinse with cold water and place into a food processor.
  2. Add remaining ingredients to the food processor; blend until thoroughly mixed.
  3. Transfer soup to serving bowls. Serve with fresh mint.
  4. Enjoy.

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    1. Awe; you just made my day! Thanks Jocelyn. You are so kind and I am so grateful for your comment. Thank you so much; hope you have a wonderful weekend darling.

    1. You are so great. I am going to miss you at Expo but so excited to see you at IACP in a few weeks…we’re going to have a great time in NYC and I hope we can find some time to play!
      Keep up the amazing Fresh work and hope to chat soon. xoox Love ya, darling!

  1. What an interesting recipe, I can’t imagine what the combo would taste like but so many of my favorite flavors. Major kudos to you for, as you said “pivoting”. This post was an inspiration. I love what I do but need that extra time to think and walk and process. I can’t use all my time helping people eat better and live more healthy lives, right?

    1. Thank you, Lauren; so happy to see you on here! Love chatting with you on Twitter and truly hope to be able to meet you in person soon. I greatly appreciate your kind words and thank you for taking the time to visit my website and read this detailed post- means so much to me. I agree; the extra time to think and walk and process makes the world of a difference; keep up the great work.
      Have a great night!

  2. You˙re awesome Amie! Sorry I haven˙t gotten back to you since last time, so much stuff going on moving to Paris! We˙re moving in to our apartment tomorrow so I˙ll get in touch with you as soon as I˙m settled, will definitely send you a personalized Paris guide as well! 🙂
    Hope you˙re good! xoxo

  3. What a lovely post Amie! I am so pleased you are happy – that is really what matters, right? I ditched corporate America as well and with it my silk suits, panty hose and 4 inch heels. I am so much happier and so are my feet 🙂 And this recipe has me intrigued!

    1. Awe you just made my day! I had no idea you read my blog and you just put a huge smile on my face! I miss you. Will you be at the Chicago Expo in April?
      Have a great day and hope to chat soon. Xxxoo

  4. Awesome post Amie. Good on you for having the courage to make the changes you have, and write and share about the. You are an inspiration – in fact one of my inspirations to start studying and change my career direction and lifestyle!

    1. Thanks Ali! You are great; so happy to hear from you as always. Keep up the great work darling. I’m so happy for you and can’t wait to hear about IIN. xo

  5. I wish I had your lovely courage and success. I’m at a poor length of time in my life with poor health and very poor finances. It is day by day for me. Have to smile and carry on as best one can. I adore avocado on warm toast with jam.

    1. Awe; thank you Emily. You are so kind and I greatly appreciate your comment. Keep your head up; you have the courage and the success inside of you- let it shine, girl! Even when you are at your lowest point, try some yoga, hot tea and meditating. Make yourself a nice meal that you feel good about eating and take a bubble bath.
      Keep smiling and enjoy your night.

  6. Glorious. The recipe, the words, the thoughts…truly. I need to make a change. I can’t keep in corporate either, but change takes time. Unfortunately, my heart cannot take much longer. It wants out now.

    Lovely post and soup Amie.