playlist with music to help you let go.

Letting go.

It’s something many people talk about but it’s not something that’s easy to do. For the first 30-something years of my life I held onto EVERYTHING: relationships, stories in my head, beliefs that I thought were true for me, rules that I had put on myself and so much else.

But, in the last few years I’ve realized that I’m exhausted.


Not from being unwell, but from HOLDING the HECK on the every single itty bitty thing that was weighing me down and keeping me stuck.

I was in my own way.

You might be able to relate.

I know every client of mine can relate, so I’m sure this is striking a chord with you if you really think about this and feel it.

LISTEN BELOW as I talk about what Letting go means to me and then click on the image above for this month’s Letting Go playlist. These songs are fun and playful, yet they are deep when you really sit and feel the words that the artists are singing.

Listen here for the AUDIO segment on LETTING GO

I’m talking about how I’ve had a huge shift in the last 6 months and let go of so much that was holding me back and keeping me feeling as though I was stuck.

Much love,


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  1. I find the course you mentioned really interesting: the one about which part of the body is on flight&fight mode and that helped you learn more about being in the now. Would you tell me/us more about it? Thank you!

    1. Thank you, Francesca, that’s something I work on with my private clients. Happy to work with you if you’re interested. Please see my services page.
      Thank you!

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