1. I love to travel.
  2. I’m living my passions: writing my blog, traveling for speaking engagements/cooking classes and working with my nutrition clients.
  3. I wouldn’t mind living in Tuscany for a year or two. Minus the whole gluten-thing.
  4. I’m single and so happy.
  5. I love my life.
  6. I’m getting my health back after almost 5 years of pure hell.
  7. I have more fun walking the streets of Manhattan with my camera than I do in a bar.
  8. I don’t drink alcohol.
  9. I love food more than anything.  It’s what healed me, keeps me happy and full.
  10. I’ll spend $100 on fresh food but won’t dare spend that amount on clothes.
  11. Sometimes I think I could live off of leeks, fennel and zucchini.
  12. I have a serious love affair with gourmet salsa and mustard.
  13. My little sister is moving back to the states in a few weeks and I am beyond ecstatic.
  14. I wake up every morning smiling, even if it’s freezing, dark n’ dreary and nothing seems to be going right.
  15. I secretly wanna move to Boulder, Colorado to hike, bake and eat lots of healthy, Boulder-like foods.
  16. I love snow, but not so crazy about rain.
  17. If I buy one more kitchen gadget, my tiny Manhattan apartment is going to swallow me.
  18. My mom, dad and sister are my best friends.
  19. I hate the gym; the streets of Manhattan are my playground for my walks.
  20. I live without a dishwasher and TV in my apartment.



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  1. I like number 15 about Boulder. 🙂 It is one of the greatest cities to be close to being gluten free. I always joke with people that I am glad to live in Colorado, because being gluten free about anywhere else would be hard. Hope you can make it out here some day!

    1. I love Colorado; it’s one of my favorite states but I have never been to Boulder….hoping to come out there in June. Do you live close to Boulder? Thanks so much, Katie; have a great afternoon; so happy to hear from you!

      1. I do live close to Boulder. I live on the north side of Denver. I hope you are able to make it out! The Boulder Farmer’s Market is absolutely wonderful in the summer! Otherwise, Boulder is a great place to hike and bike. Beau Jo’s is a really fun pizza place, if you have not already tried them. The last I checked, their gluten free pizza crust has no dairy, but I can’t remember if it has eggs. If it does not, they do a really great veggie and no cheese gluten free pizza! There are also Udi’s restaurants out here in Colorado! Most serve just lunch, but a few have dinner menus, if you would like to try. Hope things work out for you go come out this way! 🙂

      2. Wow; sounds great Katie; I’ll surely let you know. Thank you so much for your comment and I hope to meet you soon.
        Have a great holiday season!

  2. I wish I could be comfortable enough with myself to be happy single. The truth is that I’ve been single for so long now that I feel love is what I am missing and what I really do need for completeness. I know that’s not “right” to say and that we have to love ourselves. But I feel sometimes that’s the only thing that will “fill me up”.

    As someone who’s binged for so long now, I long to feel that one day I can “heal” and put this all behind me. It’s hard when it happens even when it I don’t want it to though. i just hope it doesn’t take me 5 years!

    So happy your doing well.

    1. Hang in there Jen, keep your head up darling! Stay positive and everything will work out. Remember, baby steps…everything takes time. Enjoy the little things in life like the sunshine, birds chirping, a nice cup of tea at a tea shop, holidays with your family and friends, good food from the farmer’s market and lots of smiles!

  3. What a good read for the day after Thanksgiving! My favorites would be #10, 14, and 18!

    By the way, my daughter lives in Manhatten too; she loves the city life, but finds it difficult to get her hands on healthy foods at a resonable price. She dreams of Ramen Noodles being the next health food.

    Any suggestions on where/how she can shop in the city on such a limited budget? I’ve thought of shopping here in upstate NY and simply shipping her some healthy non-perishables…Looking for a better plan.? Ideas please…

    1. Thank you, Shelley; I have a page called FoodSpotting that showcases all healthy NYC foodie spots for your daughter to check out. Hope you enjoy them; have a wonderful day and thank you for your kind words regarding todays post!