How to Trust Your Body Again: Part II

Trusting yourself is the name of the game when you’re in the middle of a health crisis or you’re dealing with a health issue. You cannot give your power away to someone else and abandon yourself. You must start to listen to what your body is trying to tell you and you must get in … Continued

Intuition: How to Open Yourself Up to What Life Is Trying to Show You

When something painful happens in our life, something that’s traumatic enough to make you question everything around you, other emotions, traumas and pains trapped in your body’s organs and tissues come to the surface to be healed. My journey over the past ten years has led me to discover my inner self, the place that … Continued

Starting Over: My Story of Re-Entering the World

After 10 years of struggling with my health to the point where I thought I was loosing my life about 5 times, I’ve emerged healthy and happy and in perfect health. The last 10 years were something that I still honestly cannot believe that I survived. Honestly. I really don’t. There were some really dark … Continued