Fresh Berry n’ Basil Crumble

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I wanna get back into baking more nutritious gluten-free desserts like this crumble. I took a lil’ break there for awhile but now I’m ready to strike up the oven and get my bake on. I kinda wanna get my kitchen all messy with flour and … Continued

Sweet Blackberry Lemon Salad

Berries, berries everywhere. I just can’t seem to get enough of ’em these days. My clients are requesting them in every meal and snack so I’ve been having fun in the kitchen whipping up everything from Very Berry Flax Waffles to Basil Berry Yogurt Popsicles. So, when Whole Foods Market asked me to create a … Continued

Fresh Direct 20% Discount

Turn off the alarm clock and sleep in. Your weekly early morning dash to the Farmer’s Market for fresh salad greens and pasture-raised eggs has just ended. Beginning today, timed to the arrival of the summer’s bounty of fruits and vegetables, leading online grocer FreshDirect will double its local offerings to include more than 350 … Continued

Get Smart n’ Get Snackin’…

Are you a smart snacker? Here are a few of my tips to help you navigate through the snack drawer. Be aware of those processed, store-bought ‘treats’ and opt for your own homemade, nutritious snack packed with vitamins and nutrients to keep you happy and healthy all day long. Traveling for the New Year? Pack … Continued

Get Those Kids Cookin’…

Ever wonder how to get your kids involved in the kitchen? Here are a few tips that I offer to my clients…whether you have young children, nieces, nephews, neighbors, family or friends…these tips are sure to get your little ones active and entertained in the kitchen. Cucumber Caterpillar: Slices of cucumber held together with natural … Continued

10 Healthy New Years Resolutions

As the year rolls to an end, too many of us are still eating too much cholesterol, sodium, sugar and unhealthy fats. We’ve made resolutions each year, but daily stressors and our constant time-crunch lifestyles lead to mindless and unhealthy eating. Here are ten simple steps to a healthier diet and lifestyle for the New … Continued

Another School Year…Rid The Lunch Box of Refined Sugars

As September rolls on, another school year begins and many parents prepare to send of their children back to school…sadly, we all know the constant struggle with keeping healthy meals and snacks at home and in the lunch box, therefore I have listed a few tips to help keep you and your loved ones away from those … Continued

Eat By The Season

Do you find yourself eating more fresh fruit and crisp veggies in the summertime? More soup and meat in the winter?  I know that my body craves juicy, water-rich foods in the warmer months and heat-producing foods like meat, oil and nuts in the winter. I’m not alone in this theory as most people go … Continued

More Snacks…

Just in time for the holiday weekend, my On-The-Go Snack List continues… I’m sure many of you are planning on hitting the road for the upcoming 4th of July holiday weekend, so I thought I’d share some more of my snack ideas with you…many of them are quick and easy to prepare and can be … Continued


We’ve all heard, “Eat more Fiber”…for crying out loud…it’s in every health magazine article, mentioned in numerous commercials,the topic of convo at lunch, and advertised on thousands of food products we encounter every single day. So, what is all of this fuss about fiber? Let me start by saying that FIBER is FABULOUS. I myself, … Continued